Event Details

Research Impact for Grad Students

Research Impact for Grad Students

Let us help you with your academic journey with our research impact workshop designed specifically for graduate students. This session will introduce you to the concept of research impact, explain why it’s important to assess, and show how tools like bibliometrics and altmetrics can help you track your impact. You’ll also learn practical tips to set yourself up for success, including the importance of creating an ORCiD profile. We’ll discuss how to identify and avoid predatory journals to safeguard the integrity of your scholarly contributions. Let the library help you to build a strong foundation for your academic career.

Related LibGuide: Research Impact Services by Em Farmer

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
6:30pm - 7:00pm
  FGCU Faculty and Staff     FGCU Students  
  Student Workshops     Faculty Workshops  

Registration is required. There are 300 seats available.


Organizer: Em Farmer